Shadow Council








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26 out of 26 quests left!

  • Mimiron's Head


    in The Storm Peaks

    To farm Mimiron's Head, you must defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar on 25-player mode without the aid of any Keepers, a strategy known as "Alone in the Darkness."

  • Blue Proto-Drake

    Utgarde Pinnacle

    in Howling Fjord

    Skadi the Ruthless is the third boss in the dungeon. After defeating the first two bosses, proceed to Skadi's gauntlet. Use the harpoons to bring Skadi down from his drake, then defeat him to have a chance at the mount drop.

  • Drake of the South Wind

    Throne of the Four Winds

    in Uldum

    Al'Akir is the final boss of this raid. The fight involves three phases, with the final phase requiring careful movement to avoid being knocked off the platform. The mount can drop in any raid size or difficulty,

  • Blazing Drake

    Dragon Soul

    in Caverns of Time

    Deathwing is the final boss, and you will need to defeat all previous bosses to reach him. The raid can be completed on either 10 or 25 man difficulty.

  • Life-Binder's Handmaiden

    Dragon Soul

    in Caverns of Time

    Defeat the final boss, Madness of Deathwing, in the Dragon Soul raid on 25-man Heroic mode.

  • Experiment 12-B

    Dragon Soul

    in Caverns of Time

    Follow the raid's path until you reach Ultraxion, the fifth boss. The mount can drop on both Normal and Heroic difficulties, in either 10-man or 25-man mode

  • Drake of the North Wind

    The Vortex Pinnacle

    in Uldum

    The mount drops from Altairus, the second boss in the dungeon. You can run this dungeon on both normal and heroic modes, but heroic mode is recommended for a higher chance of obtaining the mount.

  • Armored Razzashi Raptor


    in Northern Stranglethorn Vale

    To farm the Armored Razzashi Raptor, enter Zul'Gurub and make your way to Bloodlord Mandokir. The mount drops on Heroic mode.

  • Swift Zulian Panther


    in Northern Stranglethorn Vale

    To farm the Armored Razzashi Raptor, enter Zul'Gurub and make your way to High Priestess Kilnara. The mount drops on Heroic mode.

  • Solar Spirehawk

    World Boss

    in Spires of Arak

    Rukhmar spawns in the southern part of the zone and can be engaged by any number of players. Since this is a world boss, you can only attempt to loot it once per week per character.

  • Ironhoof Destroyer

    Blackrock Foundry

    in Gorgrond

    Defeat Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty.

  • Hellfire Infernal

    The Nighthold

    in Suramar

    Defeat Gul'dan in The Nighthold on Mythic difficulty.

  • Hellfire Infernal

    The Nighthold

    in Suramar

    Defeat Gul'dan in The Nighthold on Mythic difficulty.

  • Abyss Worm

    Tomb of Sargeras

    in Broken Shore

    Defeat Mistress Sassz'ine in the Tomb of Sargeras on Heroic difficulty.

  • Shackled Ur'zul

    Antorus, The Burning Throne

    in Antoran Wastes

    Defeat Argus the Unmaker, the last boss, on Mythic difficulty.

  • G.M.O.D.

    Battle of Dazar'alor

    in Zuldazar

    Defeat High Tinker Mekkatorque in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Ny'alotha Allseer

    Ny'alotha, the Waking City

    in Vale of Eternal Blossoms

    Defeat N'Zoth the Corruptor, the final boss in Ny'alotha, the Waking City. Ensure you are on Heroic or Mythic difficulty for the mount to drop.

  • Sharkbait


    in Tiragarde Sound

    Defeat Harlan Sweete, on Mythic difficulty, the final boss in the Freehold dungeon.

  • Tomb Stalker

    King's Rest

    in Zuldazar

    Defeat King Dazar, the final boss in the King's Rest dungeon on Mythic difficulty.

  • Underrot Crawg

    The Underrot

    in Nazmir

    Defeat the Unbound Abomination, the final boss in The Underrot dungeon on Mythic difficulty.

  • Mechagon Peacekeeper

    Operation: Mechagon

    in Mechagon Island

    The HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit is the third boss. Defeat him on Mythic difficulty

  • Vengeance

    Sanctum of Domination

    in The Maw

    Defeat Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, the final boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid on Mythic difficulty, for a chance at the Vengeance's Reins mount. Clear all prior bosses, including The Eye of the Jailer and Remnant of Ner'zhul, to unlock the encounter; no shortcuts are available.

  • Sanctum Gloomcharger

    Sanctum of Domination

    in The Maw

    Defeat The Nine, the 3rd boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid, on any difficulty for a chance at the Sanctum Gloomcharger's Reins mount. Clear all prior bosses, including The Tarragrue and Soulrender Dormazain, to unlock the encounter; no shortcuts are available.

  • Zereth Overseer

    Sepulcher of the First Ones

    in Zereth Mortis

    Defeat The Jailer, the final boss in Sepulcher of the First Ones raid on Mythic difficulty, for a chance at the Fractal Cypher of the Zereth Overseer mount. Clear all prior bosses, including Anduin Wrynn and Rygelon, to unlock the encounter; no shortcuts are available.

  • Marrowfang

    The Necrotic Wake

    in Bastion

    Defeat Nalthor the Rimebinder, the final boss in The Necrotic Wake dungeon on Mythic difficulty, for a chance at the Marrowfang's Reins mount. Clear the dungeon up to the final boss; no shortcuts are available.

  • Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance

    Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope

    in The Emerald Dream

    Defeat Fyrakk, the final boss in the Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope raid on Mythic difficulty, for a chance at the Reins of Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance mount. Clear all prior bosses to unlock the encounter; no shortcuts are available.
